5 Reasons You Need A Wet Room

In the world of modern home design, the wet room bathroom is one of today’s hot trends. Unlike a traditional bathroom, this streamlined option features an open layout with fully waterproofed surfaces — there’s no need for a typical shower threshold or enclosure! Wet rooms can save space, add convenience and even make your property more valuable. So, if you’re interested in creating a wet room that will make your home shine, you’re not alone. This design choice is on trend for good reason.

From the allure of an ultra-modern bathroom to the promise of easier maintenance, here are just a few of the benefits wet room designs can bring to your home

    1. Greater accessibility — Whether or not you have someone in your home who needs easier accessibility to the bathroom, installing a wet room ensures your space will be more usable to everyone. Because there’s no threshold or door to the shower, a wet room is ideal for people with limited mobility. Elderly or disabled individuals, for example, can more easily use the shower if they don’t need to step over a threshold or be confined in a narrow stall. Young children also will find an open shower space easier to maneuver.
    2. Easier maintenance — Removing the shower enclosure for a wet room means removing one of the toughest cleaning jobs in most bathrooms. Without doors or thresholds to maintain, all that’s required are normal bathroom cleaners. That makes wet rooms generally easier to maintain than traditional bathrooms.
    3. Maximized space — Whether you choose a wet room with a tub and shower or just a shower alone, the layout naturally creates the illusion of more space in the bathroom. Without a bulky shower enclosure, the open or glass-walled allows a seamless view through the space. Plus, because a wet room shower takes up little space, it’s a great option for bathrooms that are low on square footage.
    4. A luxurious, modern look — Thanks to its contemporary, stylish look and feel, a wet room transforms a nothing-special bath into one that is luxurious and on-trend. You can use a variety of materials from concrete to wood to stone to create a space that reflects your aesthetic and will add a wow factor to your home.
    5. Enhanced property value — Thanks to the benefits listed above, a wet room adds value to a home. Its waterproofing makes it less susceptibility to leaks and water issues, while its open beauty is a major selling point for potential buyers. Opting for a wet room gives your entire home a modern vibe that today’s marketplace will embrace.

For all these reasons and more, wet rooms make a great addition to any home, so come to Modern Bathroom and get started on choosing fixtures for yours. We’re proud to offer a huge selection of products from trusted brands such as Danze, Grohe, TOTO, Aquatica, Cole & Co., Wyndham Collection® and more. Shop online for fixtures and features to outfit your wet room today!

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